Medicare Misty Client Testimonial - Lloyd Coopinger

Medicare Misty Client Testimonial - Lloyd Coopinger

Another client who Misty helped, Lloyd Coopinger, tells his story.

Show notes

Welcome to the all new Medicare Misty Podcast, with Misty Bolt, aka Medicare Misty. In this episode we meet Lloyd Coopinger, who is a Viet Nam Veteran and had worked as a tow boat captain and then in financial support, until finally retiring. A few years ago Lloyd began having trouble with his teeth and needed some major dental work done. But the costs were far more than he could afford. Then last year a friend told him about Medicare Misty. Lloyd reached out to Misty and was amazed at how she was able to help him, even though he wasn’t her client. This is a really great story about how Misty goes the extra mile to help out! Disclaimer: Medicare Misty is not endorsed or affiliated with any government agency. Produced by Blazing Kiss Media.

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